Appendix B: Reference Checks

Essential Questions for Persons Under Consideration for Positions in Religious Education, Church Music, Church Administration, and Contact with Vulnerable People

These questions were created as part of the Responsible Staffing document from 2005. For recommended questions for those applying for ministerial positions, please visit the Ministerial Transitions.

Adapt, as appropriate, if talking with a personal reference versus an employment reference.

Hello. My name is ______. I’m a member of (name of congregation). (Name of candidate) has applied for the position of (name of position) within our congregation. I have the responsibility to contact individuals who know them to better understand if they are a good match for the job.

May I ask you some questions?

  1. What is your relationship with (name of candidate)?
  2. How long have you known them?
  3. Describe the work for which they were responsible?
  4. On a scale of 10 with 10 being the highest, how well did they perform in the job?
    Please elaborate, sharing their strongest attributes and areas in which they could have performed better.
  5. What was/is their reason for leaving your employ?
  6. Would you consider rehiring (name of candidate), if the occasion arose?
    If no, please explain why?
  7. To your knowledge, have they ever been accused of any behaviors that would be considered unethical, inappropriate, illegal?
    Please explain:
  8. (Name of candidate) will be working with children. Is there any reason to believe that children would not be safe with them?
    If yes, please explain:

Additional Recommended Questions for Non-Ministerial Candidates

  1. How would you describe the applicant’s relationship with others? (If talking with a former employer, you might ask specifically about relationships with coworkers, subordinates (if applicable), and with supervisor.
  2. Does the candidate have a positive or a negative attitude?
    Please elaborate:
  3. The position for which they are being considered is (elaborate). How well would you expect them to perform in this role?
  4. Are there any other comments you wish to make about this candidate?